

  • 名称:某新建城镇污水处理厂设计
  • 类型:给排暖通毕业设计
  • 授权方式:免费版
  • 更新时间:06-10 00:32:19
  • 下载要求:无需注册
  • 下载次数:595
  • 语言简体中文
  • 大小:0 Bytes
  • 推荐度:3 星级

标签:给排暖通毕业设计论文,毕业论文,毕业设计下载, 本站提供某新建城镇污水处理厂设计免费下载,http://www.duowen123.com

1)    工艺流程短,构筑物和设备少,不设初沉池,调节池和单独的二沉池,污泥自动回流,投资省,能耗低,占地少,管理简便。
2)    处理效果稳定可靠,其BOD5和SS去除率均在90%-95%或更高。COD得去除率也在85%以上,并且硝化和脱氮作用明显。
3)    产生得剩余污泥量少,污泥不需小孩,性质稳定,易脱水,不会带来二次污染。
4)    造价低,建造快,设备事故率低,运行管理费用少。
5)    固液分离效率比一般二沉池高,池容小,能使整个系统再较大得流量和浓度范围内稳定运行。
6)    污泥回流及时,减少污泥膨胀的可能。

English summary:The integral whole turns the main characteristics in pond in reaction:
1)The craft process is short, the builds the thing is little with the equipments, do not establish the beginning sink the pond, regulating the pond with lone of two sink the pond, automatic reflux in dirty mire, investment province, can consume low, cover little, manage simple.
2)Handle the result stability is dependable, its BOD5 does away with the rate with the SS all in 90%-95% or higher.The COD have to  away with the rate too above 85%, and the nitric turns with take off the nitrogen function obviously.
3)Creation the dirty amount of mire in surplus is little, the dirty mire do not need the child, the kind is stable, easy dehydration, can't bring to pollute two time
4)Build the price low, construct quick, the equipments trouble rate is low, circulating the administrative expense little.
5)The liquid separates efficiency ratio general two sink the pond high, the pond permits small, can make whole system been bigger again get the discharge stabilize the movement with density scope inside.
6)Dirty mire reflux on time, the possibility that reduce the dirty mire the inflation.


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