

12-16 14:57:17   浏览次数:13126  栏目:经典语句
标签:经典语句心情大全,人生经典语句,http://www.duowen123.com 关于秋天的经典英语句子,

The trees were naked during autumn.秋天里树木都是光秃秃的。

The rain was killing the last days of summer,you had been killing my last breath of love, since a long time ago.秋雨,带走了夏天的最后一丝余热,而你,也将我全部的爱都带走了。

The leaves turn yellow in autumn.秋天时叶子变黄。

Rain in the North seems peculiar, compared with that of the South, more appealing,and better-behaved.北方的秋雨,也似乎比南方的下得奇,下得有味,下得更象样。

My favourite season is autumn. 我最喜欢的季节是秋天. 

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