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GEPT comprehension test(学生暑假英语日记400字)

12-16 14:56:40   浏览次数:98626  栏目:暑假作文
标签:暑假作文600字,暑假作文大全,http://www.duowen123.com GEPT comprehension test(学生暑假英语日记400字),
  I took the GEPT on-line exam just now. Unfortunately, I got the grade under 80. Oh my god! The 6th August was coming soon. I started to worried about whether I could pass the exam. When I done the online exam, I found the listening test was faster than I did in class. Wow, it was so terrible. I never think the formal exam was so fast. Though I study “GEPT comprehension test” everyday, I still lack confidence in myself. At first, I just want to try it. Now, I gradually take it more seriously. I will do my best. ,GEPT comprehension test(学生暑假英语日记400字)
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