您现在的位置:多问网学习频道教案设计小学英语教案一年级英语教案 - 一年级英语口语第一册unit four 第一课时

一年级英语教案 - 一年级英语口语第一册unit four 第一课时

03-14 18:49:31   浏览次数:12926  栏目:小学英语教案
标签:幼儿园英语教案,英语教案模板,小学三年级英语教案,http://www.duowen123.com 一年级英语教案 - 一年级英语口语第一册unit four 第一课时,
教学内容:Unit four I like Green Lesson One This lesson covers “Let’s song”, Let’s play games and Activity 3 on P18 (Activity book) 教学目标:Hopefully the pupils will be able to:       sing the rainbow song with actions.        follow the teacher’s instructions        understand the meaning of the key vocabulary and imitate t the pronunciation.         enjoy the games and activities. 教学重点、难点:Vocabulary:              Productive: purple, blue, green, yellow, orange, red,              Receptive: colour, rainbow, up, down.             Structure and phrase:             Productive: words and chunks in the song.             Receptive: instructions in “Let’s move”. 教学媒体:a picture or a photo of a rainbow.            colour cards, word cards.           coloured flags.           crayons, a hand-made rainbow.           tape and recorder.           Ask the children to bring their crayons for activity 3. 教学步骤:,一年级英语教案 - 一年级英语口语第一册unit four 第一课时
相关热词搜索: tag: 小学英语教案,幼儿园英语教案,英语教案模板,小学三年级英语教案,教案设计 - 小学英语教案
上一篇:一年级英语教案 - 充满人情味的第一堂课
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